Monday, March 27, 2017

Hen Party: Top 10 Things to Plan

Planning an incredible last night of freedom or a hen weekend celebration well in advance will prevent some crucial elements being forgotten. There is a lot more involved than just managing your guests, so keep  these 10 things in mind.

1. The Guest List


Guest lists are important for any party but particularly for a hen party. Only the bride-to-be or her close friends know who she really wants to come along and some bad choices can spoil the party mood.

If there are people from different generations joining in, split the group into two or more to make sure nobody feel isolated. Don’t just have one oldie, for instance.


2. Save the date

Make sure the date is selected well in advance and that there is a decent gap between the wedding and the hen party. That will increase the chances of a good turn-out, and avoid holding the party a too close to the wedding. No bride wants to look exhausted or hung over on her big day. She needs recovery time to get back into top shape..

3. Money talks

Money can be the real deal breaker in any hen party and the key is to make sure everyone knows what it is likely to cost. Keeo the budget realistic, clear all the expenses in advance and do not accept any promises of “I’ll pay later”. Collecting the money should be the job of the bridesmaid, not the bride, and nobody wants to be chasing up outstanding payments weeks later.

4. Research and More research


Research the hotels, venues and activities so you know the costs and have a good idea of how the evening will pan out.

Remember to do some proper research on the town or district where you will be partying so you know what you can do there, your sightseeing options and where you should eat or shop.

5. Location

Where are you going? For a day, a week or a weekend? Whether it is an international city break or a night at a local pub, finding the right location is the absolutely essential if you want some quality bonding time.

If you are going abroad appoint somebody as the travel marshall to make sure everyone has remembered things like having a valid passport. Trouble and tears at the airport can ruin the whole trip.

6. Accommodation

Try to find somewhere close to the airport or your chosen destination. When considering the standard of accommodation, the budget and facilities remember that logistics are crucial. It is no fun spending all your time and money shuttling back and forward between where you are staying and where you are partying. And make sure that everybody knows the details of the accommodation in advance – there is nothing worse than having somebody complaining that they expected better accommodation, or did not realise they would be sharing a room with someone other than the bride.

7. Activities


Have a real itinerary rather than a vague intention to drink and party. Some of the most popular activities for hens include drag cabaret, comedy clubs and strip shows. You want the right mix of things to ensure nobody’s bored and everyone’s engaged.

Day time activities can include sightseeing, beauty treatments, a spa day or a simple afternoon tea where the girls can get together. Shopping is a no-no because it is not a group activity and will take attention away from the bride. The whole point of the party or trip is to make her feel special.

8. No rushing

If the group is happy with a specific venue, activity or idea, there is no need to go overboard. As long as everyone can catch up and spend time together there should always be room for flexibility in the plans. Nobody likes to be dragged around on a forced march or ordered to put down their drink “because our next  booking is in 10 minutes.” Don’t rush, and remember the aim is to enjoy yourselves, not to tick every box on the schedule.

9. Communication and safety


This may sound obvious but if the hens are visiting a new city or an area they are not all familiar with, everyone should try to stick together. Discuss or circulate an itinerary to make sure everyone knows where the group will be at any time so that if they get lost they can get back on track without any fuss.

One simple security measure is to give somebody the job of making sure that everybody;s mobile phone battery is fully charged, and that you all have each other’s numbers in your phones.

10. Pace yourselves

Pacing is very important because nobody wants the bride to be too exhausted to enjoy the whole event, especially if it is a trip away. Plan some quiet time, and even an afternoon nap so you are all in top shape in the evening. And drinking too much during the day can turn the big night-time party into a fizzer.

Finally, remember that you can’t always please everyone. If one or two members of the group are determined not to enjoy themselves, good luck to them. Your priority should just be to help the bride have a great time, so don’t get caught up with any complaints or personal tensions. Relax, ignore any drama and have fun.

The post Hen Party: Top 10 Things to Plan appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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