Friday, June 2, 2017

EDITED: Is This Stuff From the Future?

Life in the 21st Century is starting to feel like living in some weird science fiction film. The technology that is coming into our lives is crazy! Some people are freezing their brains in the hope of being revived in the future, while others are setting up hotels operated fully by robots. Here are four new technologies that seem to come from the future:

The Exoskeleton

An Exoskeleton is a mechanical outfit which gives you more strength, helps you lift heavy objects and can helpeople who are paralysed from the waist down to walk again. What they don’t tell you is that you could probably also smash through walls and cause lots of chaos wearing an exoskeleton. It’s a bit like the Iron Man suit without the flying. Lots of companies are experimenting with exoskeletons. Here’s one that Hyundai has been working on:

Flying cars

Flying cars are here! No one cares about hoverboards and jetpacks anymore, it’s all about flying cars. There is quite a bit of competition but the first to hit the market is the PAL-V Liberty which you can buy for 500,000 Euros or £435,000. You need a pilot’s license as well as a driver’s license to operate this vehicle. A flying license might sound like a lot of work but it is worth it as nothing can beat the satisfaction you will feel when you take off and fly over traffic on your way to work.


The Hyperloop is a rail system developed by serial entrepreneur Elon Musk who’s also known for creating PayPal, Tesla (self driving cars) and SpaceX (a mission to colonise Mars).  Travelling with Hyperloop means getting into a pod inside a sealed tube which uses magnetic levitation to reach an average speed of 600mph and a top speed of 760mph. That means you could travel from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in just under 12 minutes instead of 90 minutes by bus. The Hyperloop has already been tested and you should see it being used by the general public within five years. We can only hope that they set one up from London to the Bahamas so we can escape the rainy days!


Microsoft Hololens

Most of us have heard of virtual reality headsets. They allow you to game, paint and travel in a virtual environment. However there is something called mixed reality which is just as cool but doesn’t get the same attention. Mixed reality allows you to place holograms in the real world using headsets similar to virtual reality headsets. Microsoft Hololens are the leaders in mixed reality and although they haven’t got a release date yet they have already released a version for developers to play around with so it shouldn’t be too long!


by Dominic Luca

The post EDITED: Is This Stuff From the Future? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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