Thursday, May 25, 2017

What’s On TV: ‘Three Girls’ is Powerful Drama

The latest in a long line of superb dramas from the BBC is now available on iPlayer. “Three Girls” is an absolute must-see on catch-up.

Over three episodes it tells the story of the Rochdale child abuse scandal that led to a number of men being jailed in 2012 for child-grooming offences.  It is a harrowing tale and the BBC pulls no punches in its depiction of the accused, the victims and others battling for justice.

three girlsMaxine Peake stars as the main whistle blower, Sara Rowbotham, in Three Girls Her role as a sexual health worker in Rochdale first brought her into contact with many of the young girls involved.  Her meticulous documentation of those meetings eventually helped to obtain convictions but not before the competence of the police and social workers was called into question.

Peake portrays a woman frustrated by the authorities’ lack of action in the face of incontrovertible evidence of wrong-doing.  Her tirade at the police and social services is great to watch, although the level of graphic detail will make many viewers uncomfortable.

Molly Windsor, 19, plays victim Holly and delivers a remarkable performance.  She met her real-life counterpart before filming, although they didn’t discuss her abuse experience. Despite this, Windsor was credible throughout. Her strong and convincing performance in the courtroom scenes was magnificent.

We also see Lesley Sharp in a brief role as Detective Constable Margaret Oliver.  The real-life Maggie was the witness manager for two of the victims.  She eventually resigned from the force over the way in which the authorities dealt with the victims. Sharp is excellent, as you would expect from such a veteran of police TV drama.

As the real-life investigation progressed there were suggestions that the police were reluctant to pursue the Asian victims for fear of inciting racial tension.  The BBC faced the same dilemna but decided to confront the issues head-on.  The fact that all the perpetrators were Asian men was uncomfortable but undeniable. There is no escaping that fact but the racial sensitivities add to the tension for watchers.

This is a difficult and controversial subject, with no hiding from many delicate issues.  With details of the case already in the public domain given the extensive coverage of the trial, it was important that the actors delivered strong and believable performances.  They have done precisely that and the result is an extremely potent drama that will upset, anger and frustrate the viewer.  Ultimately however, justice wins the day.

As an uplifting aside to this distressing story, you can see the real life Sara Rowbotham through catch-up TV on Channel 4 as she has appeared on “First Dates”.   Her work in Rochdale has left deep scars, with a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression.   Her decision to appear on the hugely popular dating show was another step towards regaining her life. She broke down in tears while discussing the terrible impact that the Rochdale saga had on her personal life, and her honesty, humour and courage drew warm praise on social media.

Three Girls – BBC iPlayer

First Dates –  4oD


by Ian Hine


The post What’s On TV: ‘Three Girls’ is Powerful Drama appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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