Friday, February 17, 2017

Watch Fox News’ Anchor Slam Trump

How extraordinary the world has become. Here we have a Fox News anchor, Shep Smith (love those American names), go on a fantastic soap box rant against the President of the United States, Donald Trump. His claim is that Trump constantly says ‘mis-truths’ (aka lies), won’t answer the direct questions about ties with Russia and in response to being questioned about it, retorts that the media lie, spread fake news and are doing it for their own gain.

The extraordinary part is that in a few amazing months we’ve gone from a predictable US government with Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton and all the hate and wars that came in those 28 years of government, nothing has reached the heights of the short window we’ve had Trump in power.

In case you weren’t sure, Rupert Murdoch controls Fox News and made them the right wing, republican loving, scare mongering machine they are, During the run up to the election, Fox News were the closest ally of the Republican party amongst the mainstream news outlets. (dig a little and you’ll find some scary non-mainstream media outlets). Fox News just loved Trump and he could do no wrong. That’s why it’s extraordinary to see how the world has changed. Just watch Shep have at it and you’ll see just what has changed in our small world.

The post Watch Fox News’ Anchor Slam Trump appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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