Friday, February 17, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn’s Ratings Are Like Warm Beer

The Australian’s have a saying when asked ‘how are you going mate?’ .. they say ‘the fridge is on the blink and there’s no cold beer!’ which basically means ‘pretty crap’

We were reading through a bunch of reports, as you do, and stumbled across an ‘Ipsos MORI February 2017 Political Monitor’ top line results release. A bit if light reading if anything is.. But as we read on we found it to be quite fascinating. Turns out they do this every month and research the voting and feeling intentions of the people of the UK.

Before we head to that report, we also discovered they survey business leaders in what’s called the Captain’s Report. This is because the people interviewed are captains of industry. Jeez who knew. Anyway, 58% of Captains felt that since the referendum, the decision to leave the EU has had a negative impact on their business. Well they know i guess.

corbynBut back to the Politcal Monitor and the first thing you come across is that the Conservatives will massacre Labour if there is an election any time soon. Theresa would batter Corbyn, by a lot. If there was an election tomorrow, the Tories would get 40% of the vote, Labour 29% and UKIP 9%. Game over Labour.

Keep reading and you see the fascinating part about leaders.

The reason this is important is that people vote for leaders when they want change and parties when things are on track. Jeremy Corbyn as a disapproval rating which is astounding. 62%of voters disapprove of the job he’s doing. That’s doom time.

If you were to chart this level is doom time back in the years, you’d find that it represents the worst approval ratings seen in a long time. Past champions of doom were Ian Duncan Smith who peaked at 53% in 2003, Ed Miliband cranked it up to 55% in 2012 and some guy called Foot managed to reach the heights of 56% in 1982.

So the leader of the opposition, at a time when we need opposition more than ever, is akin to a fridge on the blink with no cold beer. FFS

The post Jeremy Corbyn’s Ratings Are Like Warm Beer appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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