Friday, February 24, 2017

Stoke just gave Paul Nuttall and UKIP a Battering

Nigel Farage last week said of the Stoke by-election “I don’t think anybody for one moment can underplay just how important and absolutely fundamental that by-election is for the futures of both the Labour Party and indeed UKIP …. I do believe that we are going to win this by-election.” Yesterday in Stoke they lost big time to Labour.

Today UKIP blamed the fact that Labour has a strong, functioning party machine and people simply voted more for Labour than UKIP.

stokePaul Nuttall, teh new UKIP leader stood in the seat after 12 weeks as leader but ran into problems with potential and existing voters of a series of problems which don’t sound great for the new leader. Claims that he lost personal friends at the Hillsborough disaster we jumped all over as false or misleading and with such an emotional issue, voters seemed to view this as a strong lack of trust issue.

Important side note, The Incredible Flying Brick from the Loony Party pulled in 127 votes of just over half a percent.

The Times noted that ‘Be under no illusion — the Stoke result is a disaster for Labour too,’ where Daniel Finkelstein ‘Labour winning a safe seat should be no comfort at all — and Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters may finally see this.’ Mat Chorley suggested that ‘Stage is set for Ukip to disappear from view’ with a more dire prognosis for the party.

UKIP are known as the voice of the grumpy old men who foolishly David Cameron did a deal with for a bad referendum. Now we’re all paying the price, so too are UKIP.

The post Stoke just gave Paul Nuttall and UKIP a Battering appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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