Monday, February 20, 2017

Is It Possible to Spot an Arsenal Supporter?

If you follow the smart people who know these things, YES it is possible! By narrowing down a series of key physical and behavioural traits you can call them when you see them.

Let’s work through it! First of all since it’s football and Arsenal, 62% are men, 38% women. This is slightly less than the more macho folks up in Manchester (64%). It’s probably why a London thing.. Apart from London the fans come from Southern England and East Anglia. Hard to pick that.

arsenalTheir politics are almost right down the middle, slightly left of centre. They are most likely to be work in Real Estate, Consulting or Finance. Suits on weekends my friends..

The No.1 dish of choice is a bowl of French Fries, followed by Crepes or a Curry. Try that out, guy on Saturday wearing a suit eating Fries, he’s a gunner? Not perfect yet. The most popular hobby is playing XBOX or Playstation, followed by board games, they love Formula 1 and Tennis. Huge TV and Movies fan but not into Ballet. They are into sex slightly more than the average Englishman. Not fans of going into the countryside for a forest walk.

If pressed, their alternative traits are being disorganised, difficult, insecure and lazy although they see themselves as clever, big hearted and communicative.

They shop at Tesco above all others and drive Ford cars.Favourite clothing brand is JD sports (that’s called wearing tracksuits) and they bank more often at Barclays.

If you catch them entertaining themselves, they prefer Leonardo DiCaprio, listen to anyone on who sings and loved the Incredibles movie. Finally, they read the Sun and the Mirror and do not really pick up magazines.  Now go on, see if you can pick one based on this or whether your Arsenal fan friends fit this identity :-)..

The post Is It Possible to Spot an Arsenal Supporter? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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