Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to Get Where You Want to Be- Starting Now!

Take a long, hard look at what you are doing at the moment. Right now, tomorrow, this week, this year. Now think where you want to be in five or ten year’s time. Basically, what do you want to be when you grow up? Now is what you’re doing now really helping you get there? Whether it’s your career, relationships, travel, experiences, some people just get lucky while some of us have to fight for what we want to achieve in our lives.

At the risk of sounding like a personal trainer- there is no result without action. Watch ‘Yes Man’ or ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ to get you going, but first read these simple points of perspective.

Take Charge

Small steps are everything. Don’t know what you want after your degree? Look into internships and courses for what you actually want to do.

Feeling your lacking close friends or a special someone? Make an effort to go out and connect with people who interest you. These things can take years, but when you get there the journey will have been exciting and worthwhile.

Analyse Your Time

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in  a high rise office or a shop counter. We all have to pay the bills somehow. Maybe you’re just waiting for an idea, or some time off. In reality, these are just excuses. No one does what they want for their day job right away, they start with a side-hustle. All starting really takes is giving up on some evenings of crap television.

Fed up that your dream date hasn’t asked you out yet? You need to find them. Is there a hobby or skill you have always wanted to perfect? Scrolling Facebook won’t help. Displacement is unavoidable- we all do it. But sometimes it can be the product of boredom. Just set aside an hour or two a day for your dreams. Just your commute can be used to good effect. Can’t practise guitar on the bus? Try reading technique or watching tutorials- what does that add up to per week?

Give Yourself a Break

Wallowing achieves nothing. If your aims are social, going out too much can be expensive and costly for the rest of your life. If you’re trying to improve your career, more work takes it out of you which itself crushes productivity. Your goals are your own, so set your own pace. You don’t have to worry about ‘falling behind’. Stop comparing yourself to friends on social media and LinkedIn, and especially famous people who were your age when they did something. Your time will come.

Time off is still important. You just have to treat it efficiently. Scrolling through Facebook is boring and won’t help you switch off like going to the cinema might. Invest in treating yourself to fine dining or luxury items. These probably make you feel closer to your goals and reward your efforts. Make your weekends sacred.

Don’t Worry if it Doesn’t Work Out

Chances are, if you still remember a commitment you made five years ago for a milestone you have probably made good progress. If you don’t then you have probably moved on to something new. Our aims change all the time. Maybe you were going to marry your significant other by now? Or own your property with a mortgage? The point is that because you thought about it you are either closer or found a better, more suitable path. Maybe you just have a slightly better wardrobe now. Progress is an abstract term, and all that matters now is what you’re going to do next.

The post How to Get Where You Want to Be- Starting Now! appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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