Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Gary Neville slams Arsenal FANTV

After an astonishing rant on live television, Sky Sports super-pundit, failed manager, Gary Neville for some bizarre reason decided to take on the lights, cameras and action with Arsenal FAN TV.

gary nevilleThe ex Manchester United full back called out Arsenal fans as idiots and generally said they didn’t have a clue about football including the fact that Arsenal FAN TV is moving like a wrecking ball directly aiming towards Arsene Wenger. You can often find the YouTube Arsenal community gathering outside the stands ready to provide their ‘expert’ analysis of how Arsenal lost which often boils down to the fact that Arsene has lost his marbles. Bear in mind, Gary has often been slated by said fans for having a pop at Wenger, he suddenly decided that Wenger was his newly adopted favourite Premier League manager out of nowhere.

Just to paint the picture here; on one side you have long admirers of Arsene turning into his leaving-party organisers and on the other side you have the rival pundit who berates everything Wenger stands for and often finds himself praising Sir Alex as a way to belittle the long-standing Arsenal manager, suddenly turning into the Gunners boss’ biggest fan.

Lets recap a little; Gary Neville often calls out Wenger for having an old mentality, being too stubborn and generally soft centred. Along with that, you’ll often hear him say Wenger has lost his head over the years, his signings have been a symbol of his downfall and often suggest Arsene has become rather outdated.

On a rare occasion, he praised him for his great service he’s provided to Arsenal, his ability to nurture players and keep consistency at a time when managers are often sacked prematurely (including Gary himself). However, fast forward 10 minutes, he decided to declare his hate towards AFTV, what they stand for and why exactly they exist. Almost as if to say, just because you hate Wenger, I now like him after all these years, pleasant change don’t you think?

So why did Gary Neville decide to be interviewed by AFTVs usual culprits just days after apparently disagreeing with everything they stand for and in essence providing them with more exposure than they could’ve wished for off the back of his hateful rant.

Lets not forget that Gary Neville isn’t too far away from 4 million subscribers, or the fact that Gary maybe looking over his shoulder at Jamie Carragher taking over his co-commentary role (although scousers don’t make the best co-commentators). Or simply the fact that Gary wanted to prove that he can still stand up to football fans despite becoming an unsuccessful (terrible) manager and now a superior pundit. I guess he was just chaneling his inner-football fan, after all, what football fan wants to rant about a team, a manager and seems to enjoy the losses more than winning in an aim to gain followers? Oh wait a minute…

Nubaid  Haroon – Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCtMg-fWm7awR41vM1GhVOkA  Twitter: twitter.com/rambofyi

The post Gary Neville slams Arsenal FANTV appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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