Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Easy Plants That Can Survive Living in a London Flat

Plants have been proven to improve mood and morale while purifying our air. In short, they make us happier. So it’s hardly surprising that Londoner’s can lose some self-love when constantly surrounded by grey and concrete buildings. Few of us living in the capital have the luxury of a garden. Even fewer have the luxury of good weather (apparently winter does eventually end, guys). If you need some good vibes and greenery in your life, invest in some easy to look after plants that’ll boost your mood and make your living space a lighter place.

Aloe Vera

plantsAloe isn’t exactly the prettiest of plants. It’s mostly prickle with the occasional yellow flower. But there’s a beauty to its shape and a vibrancy in that bright green that adds to any room. More importantly, there’s a use for it: if you have a cut, sunburn, eczema, the gel inside can work wonders. Break off a stem tip of one in an emergency and let it soothe your skin.

It’s a succulent, much like a cactus, so can survive if you forget to water it. Get good draining sandy soil, a place in the sun and you’ll both be happy.


plantsMy rule of green thumb is that if my mother can’t kill it, it’ll probably survive the apocalypse. Enter the Gerbera, a big, bright daisy of many colours. It doesn’t matter how often she forgets to water it, this little flower fights back. For such a colourful, beautiful plant you’d expect a lot of maintenance. Really it just wants as much sunlight as possible and some well draining soil, and maybe repotting every five years. A low maintenance, high reward flower.


plantsWe’ve all seen how rampant ivy can grow when left to its own devices, so it’s safe to assume it deals well by itself. It can also add something to a room others cannot – a draped or climbing effect around windows, mirrors, walls or even along headboards if you’re feeling foresty. As long as it has some sunlight and water, it can make a unique feature for your home. To top its benefits off, a study found that English ivy lowers airborne poo particles. A charming bathroom buddy!

Peace Lily

plantsThese plants like shade, which lets face it is about right for a pokey London apartment. They’re hardy as hell, forgive all manner of forgetfulness and its quick to see when you’ve done something wrong. When they start to lack water, you’ll notice their leaves and stems droop altogether. A water top up and a couple of days will have them right as rain. The lily also has a stunning flower: pristine white with a large stamen, these flowers are instantly recognisable. Well worth bringing a bit of piece to your home.

Rubber Tree

plantsIf you’ve got more space than a sill to fill, look no further than the rubber tree. This plant is best of bought young as it’ll adapt better to the specific space. Rubbers like indirect light but bright areas, so a sitting room or lounge is a great place to look after them. Many put them near windows with translucent curtains.

They need very little water in winter, but enough to stop them drooping. In summer, they need a little more help – keep it moist and wipe off leaves with a damp cloth on occasion. Alternatively you can spritz leaves  with a spray can. You’ll soon know if you’ve done too much, as leaves turn yellow and brown.

The post Easy Plants That Can Survive Living in a London Flat appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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