Tuesday, February 14, 2017

4 Healthy Food Changes to Make 2017 Count

The beginning of the year is well known for when most of us choose to make big changes. A huge way to improve how you feel and your life in general is Healthy Food changes. Statistically, the odds are against us to succeed if we try to make too many changes all at once. So what that has taught us is that we’re better off making small changes, even just one at a time so it becomes a habit. It’s said it only takes 21 days to form a new habit, or break an old one… so that leaves plenty of time to choose your next!

One area which is important when it comes to health and fitness is food, or your nutrition. It’s just as important, if not more so, that you eat well to reap the benefits of your hard work in the gym. So we’ve picked four of the easiest food swaps we could think of for you to start making progress today.

Go Meat Free For A Day…

healthy foodEat This: Vegetarian Not This: Meat  The rise of vegetarianism and vegans must be for a reason right?! It seems the latest trend to go meat free (often on a Monday) is not just for political reasons as it can also affect your health positively.

If you’re an avid meat eater, going meat free for one day not only forces you to be a little more creative (cue contacting all vegetarian and vegan friends for recipe inspiration) but it also means you end up eating some extra vegetables and nutritious ingredients you might not normally try.


Think About The Glycemic Index…

healthy foodEat This: Brown / Basmati Rice  Not This: White Rice  Glycemic Index is a term which describes how fast our body breaks down starches and sugars after you’ve eaten a particular food or drink. Your blood essentially behaves like a rollercoaster all day – with repeated ups and downs. How you eat affects how “high” the highs are and how “low” the lows go. The more dramatic the changes, the more likely it is to affect your health.

The Glycemic Index itself is a number, ranging from 1 -100 based on how individual foods affect your blood sugar levels in comparison to pure glucose (the building blocks of sugar). Low is classified as 55 or less; Medium is 56-69 and high is 70 and above. Foods with a high GI are digested and absorbed quickly resulting in marked increases in blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods are digested much more slowly which reduces absorption time therefore producing less gradual rises in blood sugar and also have proven benefits for health.This slower digestion of low GI foods allows you to feel fuller for longer which can aid with weight loss by helping to control your appetite.

One simple food swap we’ve shared with you is swapping out white rice for brown or basmati. Generally speaking, aim for “wholefoods” which mean they contain more of the original contents and haven’t been processed.

Your Drinks All Count Too…

Image result for image green teaEat This: Green Tea Not This: Tea with milk and sugar. With every cup of tea, you could be adding calories in milk and sugar which if you drink multiple cups per day can add up to a significant amount.

A couple of options to help with this would be to start y seeing yourself off the sugar (use less and less each time) to help your tastebuds acclimatise, then try drinking your tea black or using a non dairy alternative to milk such as almond or brown rice milk. If you want the most effective swap, trade in your builders brew for a cup of herbal green tea.

It’s jam packed with antioxidants, increases your metabolism, and helps you to relax!

Make Your Snacks Work For You…

Image result for image healthy snacksEat This: Unsalted Nuts, Seeds, Oatcakes  Not This: Sweets & Biscuits  Just like the drinks you consume during the day, your snacks can add up to a significant amount too which helps to keep you from reaching your goals.

We recommend to always keep some healthy options on hand for times where you may find yourself grabbing for the office treats! Unsalted nuts, seeds and oatcakes are packed with good fats and protein to help keep you going until you can reach your next meal.

The post 4 Healthy Food Changes to Make 2017 Count appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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