Monday, January 9, 2017

How To Set Fitness Goals For The New Year

We’re fast approaching the point in January where the “New Year Hangover” wears off. Statistically speaking, 17th January is the date when we’re most likely to give up on any resolutions we made to start 2017 and we go straight back to how we used to do things The unfortunate truth is that only 8% of people ever achieve their New Year’s Resolutions with just under a third the UK not reaching their fitness goals in 2016.

Giving it some thought, we realised that there are a few strategies we could adopt in order to reduce the risk of failure, and keep us on a motivation high for the entire year! Forget all the mundane and general goals to improve your fitness, like eating healthier, drinking less alcohol or working out more at the gym…

Think Big, Start Small

fitness goalsStep away from those goals and resolutions which require a complete and utter 360 change on a daily basis. We’ve learnt that it’s much better to make small changes (one at a time, even) and then celebrate small wins. If you don’t go to the gym at all, resolve to add 20 mins of walking to your day 3-4 times per week.

If you already eat well, maybe consider adding a hydration goal to your lifestyle; one we’ve tried and tested is drinking a glass of water each morning upon rising before breakfast. Before you know it, it’s become a habit and you can think about your next small change.

Remember to also make your goal as specific as possible because a concrete goal works best. For example, aiming to complete a 5k run is better than a vague goal to simply run a little this year.

Enrich Your Life, Rather Than Restrict Yourself

Now you’ve scrapped the generic goals (see previous point) it’s time to decide on the goals that will enrich your life. The goals that will not only have you feeling great when you achieve them, but will have you feeling great pursuing them. Maybe you’ve never learnt to swim? Or you’ve been putting off that marathon goal each and every year? You know what they say, feel the fear and do it anyway! …Taking the first step is always the most difficult but you just need to envisage how great you know you are going to feel!

Minimise Temptation

fitness goalsThis one is a useful strategy for both nutritional goals and active goals. If you have a food related goal such as completing a Whole30 or becoming Vegan for a period of time then the best way to get prepared is to remove all non compliant foods from your home. We don’t suggest that you eat in all n one go; maybe consider donating it to local food banks or sharing it with family and friends.

If you have an active goal such as following the C25K (Couch to 5k) running plan, then make life easier for yourself! Stick your workout schedule to your fridge / wardrobe door and make sure you have everything set the night before; choose your outfit to run / walk in, prepare some overnight oats for pre or post workout and put your phone on charge. In the morning you will have less of an excuse to skip your workout!

2017, we got this.

The post How To Set Fitness Goals For The New Year appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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