Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Score! Easy travel this New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve will remain a time of disappointing parties and realisations of failed hopes for this year. You didn’t stick to the diet and weekday evenings remain as boozy as ever.  Regardless of the occasion, a long slog home through night buses and a lack of trains is never a good thing after any night out. However, this New Year’s Eve will be different. TFL is running late and free this Sunday for all revellers. Fortunately, 2016 has been positive for London, if only for finally establishing the night tube on Fridays and Saturdays. With New Year’s Eve on Sunday this means we have a unique three days of easy travel. You can stay out all night for a great time or otherwise return home as fast as possible.

The New Year’s Eve Offer

Put that certain app away! It is reported that TFL is collaborating with KAYAK to provide FREE transport this New Years Eve from 11.45pm to 4.30am. That includes buses, tube, overground and DLR! Travel search engine Kayak are sponsoring TFL to stay open for free so people can attend such events as the Mayor of London’s Fireworks.

Unfortunately, this particular event is now ticketed and sold out. However, there is of course a wide range of events across the capital.

More events are also taking place on Saturday 30th, what about then? Plenty of us are out on the 30th, but this is no problem thanks to a positive change of 2016, the night tube!

The Night Tube Before New Year’s Eve

Besides this offer, Friday and Saturday will continue with the largely complete night tube. To clarify, this covers:

The WHOLE Jubilee Line, Victoria Line and Piccadilly Line (except for branches) The Northern Line Charing Cross branch- watch you don’t get caught out with this. If you’re in the City you can get the Central line from St Paul’s to Tottenham Court Road on the Northern Charing Cross branch.

Stories claim the night tube to, understandably, resemble night buses. However, what’s not to like about sitting in a semi-inebriated line up of fancy dress, black tie and people showing a blatant disregard for the transport drinking ban? CCTV covers the whole network with staff so this is arguably the safest form of night time travel (the tube…  not the drinking).

The Downsides

Sadly, the night tube has killed the idea of parties continuing until the tube reopens around 6, but they still do anyway. Having said that, the NYE Kayak offer only stretches to 4.30am when the above policy may well apply. For those travelling in by train, remember that staying out and partying (responsibly) will pass the time far quicker than a bench at the station waiting for morning. Be warned these benches have armrests to precisely prevent you from what you were thinking.

However, staying out is surely better than the private options of a taxi or minicab. The black cab is a great institution but this comes at a cost. Uber and Addison Lee on the other hand offer a budget option, but many argue you get precisely what you pay for.

Overall the best wisdom is to stay safe and stay with your friends for a good time. Follow the guidance of the authorities to avoid a good night turning bad. If in any doubt, in the rain in your high heels or any other situation, don’t be afraid to splash out for a reliable cab while you still can.


The post Score! Easy travel this New Year’s Eve appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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