If you have read the advantages of dining out in London, you are probably considering the problems and how these weigh against the benefits. It is fascinating to consider how in times of apparent financial difficulty for many, food services seem to thrive. Such apps as Deliveroo and Just Eat mean restaurant-quality catering can be enjoyed without even leaving home- but isn’t that part of the experience? Are we wasting thousands each year on simple convenience food?
Expense of Dining Out
Obviously. You are unlikely to have a satisfying dinner for under ten pounds with service charges and a drink (even soft drinks). That’s seventy pounds a week if you were to give in to that voice that considers if the price might actually be worthwhile in the long run.
It’s the same as your rent. Yes, another fifty pounds a week could get you a nicer place or location, but what else could you do with that money? Arguably dining out more often could be just such an answer. But equally, dine out less and you could go somewhere grander when you do. Take out the takeaways and go so Simpson’s instead.
The investment to pleasure conundrum is also big here. Some things you buy hold their values. Food doesn’t. But the memories and experience of your time in London are made richer and fuller for it. The important thing to remember here is balance. Don’t dine out every night, but maybe once or twice a week.
Sunday brunch is as big a thing as dinner on Friday and Saturday nights. If out on a whim you can spend ages deciding where to go only to be presented with a long wait. Some places now have clever apps that text you when your table is ready- except you have to be there in five minutes and you’ve wandered twenty minutes away.
You might be able to negotiate sitting outside on a blustery day. This generally results in avocado puree in your hair. If you have to queue, it’s generally more trouble than it’s worth. If you do make it in you will likely have pressured staff who are understandably challenged by the rush.
Health and Ethics
In the advantages, we considered the health benefits of dining out as opposed to living off microwaved carbohydrates. However, there are far more bad options than good. Chips seem to come with everything. It seems like burgers are the only specialism of any new restaurant at the moment. Even the healthy option of sushi is full of sugar. Ultimately, we do not know exactly what we are getting when we dine out. For most of us this doesn’t really worry us. But those who take more time over supermarket labels may be better off doing just that.
Numbers and economies of scale
All this works on the individual scale. However, if you have a family- or you and your partner share a bank account- the same economy doesn’t work. Spending thirty pounds a week to save yourself a lot of hassle is fine.
But with more people the process flips. Suddenly a few hours a week shopping and cooking to feed four makes a whole lot of sense. Therefore, if it’s only one or two of you, enjoy dining out while you can.
The post Dining Out in London- How much is too much? appeared first on Felix Magazine.
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