Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Rethink Brexit Now: The March is On!

Save the date – September 9, 2017… People March for Europe to Parliament Square brought to you by People’s March 4EU

Are you happy with the way Brexit is going? Were you in the 48%? Are you like many others who think we should now rethink Brexit?

It’s time to link arms and march to Parliament to show the country, the politicians, Europe and the world that there has to be a better way.

Rethink Brexit Now

Related imageAn awful lot has happened since the Brexit referendum 14 months ago. Some good and some awful. But the growing realisation is that while the vote happened and the people spoke, there wasn’t much thought going into what would happen next. It is now absolutely clear that there wasn’t a plan.

Now we’re at the point where the realities are coming to light thick and fast. They are alarming but nobody seems capable of changing course, suggesting another way or just admitting that this isn’t good for Britain.

It’s almost become #BrexitBeforeBritain where those who want Brexit at any cost are running as fast as they can to deliver a result without thinking about the resulting damage. From banking to trade and jobs, through to fishing, climate change and nuclear energy. Don’t forget the plight of the 3m Europeans living here and the 1m Brits living in Europe.

We need to make ourselves be heard. We need to walk to Parliament Square and politely ask our Government to Rethink Brexit Now.

Yes, we want to remain in the EU but as it stands, the plan is very much to leave and to leave harder than we would like. Surely we can find it within ourselves once again to come together, to ensure that our voice is heard. Remaining in the EU will be down to us – however it is ultimately achieved.

We need a plan!

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We got ourselves into this mess, as they say, and it’s time to try and get ourselves out.

So whether you’re a passionate individual who voted “Remain”, someone who now regrets voting Leave because you “really didn’t think we would actually leave”, a European who lives in the UK or a supporter of any group with a similar mission, we welcome you with open arms.

So many people feel passionately about this issue that we really couldn’t be prouder of the support we’ve already received. But we need you – the people – to join our effort, too.

We believe in diversity, we believe in inclusion and that is why we believe in EU.

S’il vous plait? Gracias, Danke, Thank You. People’s March 4EU

Join Us Here

The post Rethink Brexit Now: The March is On! appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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