Friday, June 30, 2017

Five Things Great People Do!

Oxfam recently reported that the eight richest people in the world own more than the poorer half of the world’s population. What should the great people among us be doing about the staggering inequality of the 21st Century? Given that many Londoners have a good chance of becoming millionaires just by owning their own home, that is a question that is relevant to more people than you might imagine.What do great people do?

Support Artisans

Most of us would love a yacht filled with champagne, or that watch on the back of a magazine. Where modern consumerism has failed is in directing its rewards to high-status brands rather than true quality. If we awarded more status to talent and creativity than to elite brand names, so that we valued craftsmen, fine jewellers and painters more than the slick marketing teams behind gold Rolls Royces and diamond phone cases, a whole artistic industry could be revived.

A millionaire should support the arts. If you do invest in the lavish and beautiful, consider allowing some public access to it. It is perfectly possible to keep your wealth without fencing off all your possessions. Loan objects of historic or artistic value to collections and exhibitions.

Contribute to Worthy Causes

Look at the tributes paid to the late George Michael. His generosity drew more heartfelt praise than his singing career.

Some of us think that if we ever make it “big” we will run down the street throwing cash at the homeless. As philanthropic as that might seem, it would not actually achieve much. Would it be spent wisely? Is it fair that one person got it rather than somebody else who might need it more? Tackling homelessness requires big, widespread action. Do your research and donate your funds to groups who try to tackle real problems rather than merely address the symptoms. Making tea for people cold on the street is a nice gesture but very short-lived. Supporting a mental health charity will offer longer-term benefits.


Marcus Aurelius is hailed as one of the Roman Empire’s greatest rulers as the “philosopher king”, a strong stoic philosopher. You don’t have to become an academic but it is noticeable how many people of wealth suddenly stop working and fall into pure hedonism. Many of us would love to broaden our horizons if we didn’t have to keep a roof over our head. If you don’t need to work, maintain a sense of balance and proportion by devoting time to advancing your mind.

If only Donald Trump had paused after building his first few towers and put some time into studying the classics with their ancient insights into the human condition and morality.

Offer Funding

Locked-up finances slow the economy. Get involved with start-ups and you might make a meaningful difference to people’s lives. Your personal involvement would also give you focus and a true occupation, instead of sitting passively and watching your share portfolio.

Or why not start your own business? Just because you don’t need money doesn’t mean you can’t create jobs and interesting products and services. And if you do know how to make things happen you will be training others.

Have Hobbies

Some people like to collect tanks. Sure, that is not very useful until a film company or reenactment group needs to hire one. But developing your own passions and interests is deeply fulfilling. Musicals tycoon Andrew Lloyd Webber is a prominent collector of Pre-Raphaelite art. Presenter Chris Evans is well known for his Ferrari collection but has also taken an interest in fine art and furniture.

Such an interest can have a real impact in protecting and curating all sorts of treasures. Producer Pete Waterman is prominent in the railway modelling community. That means he shares his passion with other people, rather than being fenced off in a golden palace.

Oh they also give out hugs for free 🙂

The post Five Things Great People Do! appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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