Sunday, May 14, 2017

Find New Friends and Hobbies with Meetup

Meetup is one of those things you didn’t realise you needed, until you stumble across it and it changes your world. Sort of like salted caramel or Netflix. If you haven’t already had the pleasure, let us introduce you to the strongest foot soldier in the fight against boredom and loneliness in London. meetup-bowlingbegan life way back when in 2002. The website was inspired by the aftermath of 9/11, as New Yorkers came together to grieve and rebuild. The founders felt the world needed a new way of connecting strangers, without the horrific catalyst. Thus Meetup was born, but it wasn’t until recent years that it really took the world by storm. So what exactly is it?

We all know it’s hard meeting new people: it’s the reason dating apps have had such a meteoric rise. So outside of the nine to five, where on earth are you going to find someone who shares your love of conspiracy theories? Were you destined to learn belly dancing alone in your bedsit forever?

Well, here’s where Meetup comes in. It’s like Tinder for hobbies: a yellow pages of pastimes and people. You simply type in your area, your interest, and you’ll have a catalogue of groups doing just that. Some require you to send a friendly heads up before you attend a meeting, others nothing at all. I’ve even seen those that set tasks to prove your dedication to their cause.

Something for Everyone

meetup-craftBy now, you’d think there’s very little that surprises Londoners (hello, Brexit), but the number and scope of Meetup groups is astounding. With over 30 sections from Career & Business to Paranormal, you’re almost guaranteed to find your kindred spirits – from this world or the next.

No one to see the new play at Trafalgar Studios with? Try the London Theatre and Film Group. Lacking Bulgarians in your life to practice the language with? Join Bulgarians in London. All your friends fancy Netflix and chill on a Friday night? The guys and gals at London Pub Crawls have got you covered.

You can become an Outdooraholic, part of the Human Library, join the Gaybourhood or go on holiday with the Euro Travellers. There’s really no limit to this lot, and the list goes on. Meetup is helping new immigrants learn UK customs and joining expats spouses in solidarity. It teaches languages you’ve never heard of and unites geeks, gamers, fetishists and foot-lovers across the capital.

If by some miraclemeetup-geek you don’t find what you’re looking for – perhaps that love of Vanuatan crochet really is too specific – then create your own group. In our experience, the moment you set up shop, you’ll attract all the people who’ve been waiting in the wings. The groups now cost a small fee to start, but the benefits beat the price hands down.

And who knows, maybe you’ll only find one friend who enjoys tarsier taxidermy as much as you – but that makes them all the more worth finding. So head down, meet up, and make London a little less of stranger.

The post Find New Friends and Hobbies with Meetup appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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