Saturday, April 1, 2017

Managing the Simple Things: A Boyfriend

Keeping the boyfriend under control generally means keeping him happy (mostly). We wish someone HAD told us this stuff when we were starting to spend time with boys but no, we had to learn it the hard way. So now it’s time to put it in writing. What makes a man happy? It really depends on the guy but in general if you follow these tips you should keep him as happy as Larry.

Remember, the happier you are, the happier everyone around you tends to be – so chill out and stay confident and cheerful. Follow our simple guidelines and you’ll build a better world for you and your man.

Hanging with the guys

Men love to hang out and watch sport, it’s a primal thing going back to the Neanderthal times. And it usually involves beer. Joining in and enjoying the sport makes it fun all round. Become a fellow supporter if you are not already, or even pick a rival club.

Tell off-colour jokes

You don’t want to be known as a potty mouth but a few dirty jokes will get him and his mates laughing. When you’re not there, they’ll be saying how cool you are. Just don’t go overboard.

Buy him tickets

Sounds so simple but “I got these from a friend at work”, referring to a music act or a footy game will warm his heart – and it’s so easy!

Don’t resemble his mother

Avoid whatever she excels at, unless you can do it so much better. If she bakes, then you stir-fry.

Leave things at his place

Most men love the scent of a woman on the pillow once they’ve gone. Seeing a necklace or scarf wrapped over a chair will make him feel your close and part of his life. But don’t leave things in the bathroom too early on.

Text him

You always need to have the upper hand, so sending him short but sweet texts will get him glowing. “Was fun last night, let’s do it again”, is a goodie. But an over-the-top paragraph where he has to scroll through the text will freak him out.


A little public displaying of affection is great, a peck on the cheek or pretend punch even builds things in the right direction. Going overboard is super-awkward for everyone around you, including him!

Wear lingerie

He loves it! Avoid skin-coloured bras and pants that ride the hips.

Visiting the folks

Always take a gift, they’ll think you rock and that he’s chosen extremely well. But don’t turn up with anything too expensive or too random. If you can make or bake, go for it. Just steer clear of booze.

Get away often

Every time you go away on a nice adventurous weekend together you’ll be creating great memories and learning more about each other. Avoid quiet B&Bs where you need to tiptoe around. Be adventurous.

Laugh with him

Don’t be shy, just go for it.


Learn how to not put on too much. No-one wants their girlfriend caked in the stuff.


Unless he’s a loner he’ll have mates. You may not love them all but for some reason he likes them. Respect his need for bloke time. After all, it lets you have some girl time.


Loads of them and big, strong ones.

Be his mate

You’re his best mate now. Remember that you need to have fun together, laugh, share the same TV, movies, jokes and entertainment.

The post Managing the Simple Things: A Boyfriend appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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