Thursday, March 16, 2017

Leicester City Deserve a Beating 

Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus…Leicester City?!

Surely not. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t happen again could it? Leicester City throwing a second miracle within the next year? Surely not? Right?

What a miracle it would be! Leicester City are into the Champions League Quarter Finals. They have the prospect of facing the top sides in Europe over the last decades. Craig Shakespeare must be hooting around the King Power Stadium with glee this morning!

But, I for one, hope they get Barcelona and get absolutely trounced!! Watching last night’s game, I found it despicable how every Leicester player had decided to turn up and produce 120% effort on that football pitch. I mean, where have they been the last 6 months? They have not cared for a dime in the world but last night every player covered every patch of grass. Even Kante looked down from the stands like ‘where were you when I won us the title’.

Don’t tell me that’s “good management”. That’s not. That’s player power. They have decided when to turn up and how.

Every single one of them players should be ashamed. They have literally got Claudio Ranieri the sack. They did not try for him. They did not fight for him. They sunk him like a Titanic ship. Disgusting. Overpaid, over respected set of rats.

I hope in the next round they get a Barcelona who teach them a lesson, who beat them like a Rocky finale. If they do get a Barcelona, I predict a 6-0 thrashing in both legs! You read it here first and I typed it with a smile.

As for Ranieri, he must be going barmy. How can a set of players who underperformed so much in the last 6 months suddenly turn up and play like champions again? You can’t blame formation or a change of players These players should be able to transition their game play into anything – I mean they are well drilled, talented individuals.

The worst aspect of it all is that not a single player or the manager in fact, even credited Claudio for his efforts or assistance in getting Leicester to this stage of the Champions League. Craig Shakespeare has literally taken all the credit. But, the man who actually got them through the group stages and into this position in the first place is Claudio Ranieri. Yet, Craig did not mention him, Morgan did not mention him, Albrighton didn’t mention him and neither did Huth.  he only person who did was Martin O’Neil in the BT showroom!

It’s a testament to the state of affairs in football today, you’re only as famous as your last game. The fans are fickle. The owners are fickle. The players are traitors. Even your assistant manager can turn his back on you and suddenly it turns into an Ian Beale Phil Mitchell battle.

As a manager, it’s you against the world. You’re on your own.

Wherever Claudio is in the world, I’m sure he’s given himself a deserved steady pat on the back even if nobody at Leicester remembered to do so..

The post Leicester City Deserve a Beating  appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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