Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to Spot UKIP Voters?

Who you vote for is perfectly confidential if that’s how you roll. You can present yourself as an outspoken liberal, a tree-hugging green or even a proud UKIP voter but nobody gets to know how you actually cast your vote.

So can you predict with any confidence how somebody really votes, and in particular whether they might be a UKipper? Research by the YouGov polling organisation suggests there are strong clues to help you spot a UKIP voter…

Image result for image UKIP VotersOverwhelmingly male (66% of them), UKIP voters are dominated by men aged over 55. Rarely sighted in Scotland or the west of England, they are more likely to be found scattered liberally around the Midlands and South Coast. Needless to say, they leanl hard to the Right in their politics.

Careers tend to be in areas with strict guidelines, which may be because change doesn’t suit them. Police, military, engineering and “home and garden” duties account for a large proportion of UKIP voters. The local gardening centre is a hotspot for UKIP leanings, as more than half of the party’s supporters say they garden and like DIY. Extravagant tastes are not a UKIP thing, as the most popular answers when they are asked for their favourite meal is ham, egg and chips or a traditional roast.

They are huge football fans and happy to watch the Formula 1 before or after a walk of the dog or a pat of the cat.

Now for the interesting part, which can help to confirm your suspicions about somebody who fits the above profile. Ask them about themselves and they’ll say they are “easy going” or “competent” in life. Ask others about them and you are more likely to hear things like “grumpy”, “confrontational” or “intolerant”. Sound like anyone you know?

They frequent ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury’s because they find those chains predictable, well priced and well known. As they pull out of the drive in their Ford or Vauxhall, note the Adidas trainers, which are a favourite. The Daily Mail or the Sun appear on their door step and their favourite viewing consists of Coronation Street and Dad’s Army, I kid you not. One surprise is that UKIP voters say they love Taylor Swift.

Finally, their favourite male role models include Donald Trump, Clint Eastwood and Jeremy Clarkson.

You now have the best information available to help you identify the secret UKIP voter in your life.

The post How to Spot UKIP Voters? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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