Thursday, March 9, 2017

Has Wikileaks Become an Anti-American Crusader?

Remember when WikiLeaks first appeared on the scene, they were cast as this ‘greater good’ for the people. Whistle blowers could upload the dirt on bad Governments or companies and expose the evil wrong-doings.

Then the whole Edward Snowdon thing happened, that daring escape from Hawaii to Hong Kong, an espionage thriller in the making, and finally Moscow, where who knows what he gives up each day for his ‘freedom.’

wikileaksBack to Wikileaks. First of all they claim to be a ‘multi-national media organisation and associated library.’ “WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” and “This great library built from the courage and sweat of many has had a five-year confrontation with a power without losing a single “book”. At the same time, these “books” have educated many, and in some cases, in a literal sense, let the innocent go free.” – Julian Assange,

So you would expect to see a site with loads of ‘books’ from all over the globe as being multi-national and a giant library that’s what you would expect to see. So you head over to WikiLeaks and what do you find?

First up the latest CIA bust ‘Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed’ followed by ‘CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election’ then ‘Hillary Clinton Email Archive’ followed by a cracker from last year on ‘57,934 emails from the personal email address of Berat Albayrak, who is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son-in-law and Turkey’s Minister of Energy.

Scroll through to the leak against the NSA ‘German BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibits, the US involvement in ‘TISA – Trade in Services Agreeement’ then Hillary Clinton’s campaign Chairman’s ‘Pedesta Emails’ and finally the DNC (Democratic National Congress) Email Archive and i think the point is made.

Worth reading the comments during his live press releases on Facebook, loads of cheering and loads of distrust. ‘Fries my ass he refers to himself as the “editor-in-chief.” As if there is any kind of impartiality or reportage to Wikileaks.’ and ‘Just wondering who helped them this time’ but of course, the reality hits to those who know ‘Bad week for the all the state-sponsored hackers: a bunch of zero-day exploits are going to be fixed.’ Hah.

The question is we need to ask Mr. Assange is ‘has the Wikileaks agenda changed and if so what is it now?’

The post Has Wikileaks Become an Anti-American Crusader? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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