Thursday, March 23, 2017

Game Of Thrones: Everyone Loves Tyrion Lannister

In a world dominated by brutal aggression and intolerance the life of a dwarf would seem to be one of oppression and misery. Unless, of course, you are born into the richest family in the seven kingdoms. This is the lot of Tyrion Lannister, “The Imp”.  His mother died while giving birth to him, something that is held against him by many other members of his family, particularly his older sister Cersei.

tyrionAs he grows up he suffers greatly at the hands of many, although his status as a Lannister and his ready wit and love of wine and women helps to soften the impact of the cruel barbs. As he grows older he becomes more interested in the complex political machinations within Westeros, although he resigns himself to the fact that no-one will take him seriously.  When his sister’s husband, King Robert Baratheon, becomes ill it is Tyrion who realises that House Lannister is ill-equipped to deal with a succession battle.

After being captured by Catelyn Stark he manages to escape death with the help of his trusty sell-sword Bronn.  Tyrion’s father Tywin, then appoints him as King’s Hand, much to the dismay of Cersei.

The political manoeuverings continue with Tyrion still under the protection of his father.  He masterminds the defence of Kings Landing following an attack by Stannis Baratheon but still has to watch his back at every opportunity. Cersei finally has her chance when her son Joffrey (Tyrion’s nephew) is poisoned at his own wedding.

Tyrion is accused of the murder and sentenced to death.  He escapes with the help of brother Jaime and then proceeds to kill his father while he sits on the toilet. Forced to flee Kings Landing, Tyrion realises he must bring all his political cunning to bear if he is to survive.

His travels take him to the feet of Daenerys Targaryan, who appoints him as her adviser.  With his help and after a number of setbacks Daenerys is finally ready to assemble her army to make an assault on Kings Landing and claim the throne. Tyrion obviously sees this as his chance to repay Cersei for a lifetime of torment.

This brings us to the start of Series 7, and what promises to be an epic showdown in Westeros.  Tyrion, brilliantly played by Peter Dinklage, is a fantastic character. He is intelligent, hilariously witty as well as highly skilled in business and politics. These are his survival mechanisms and he uses them to great effect.

After being cast out by his own family he has aligned himself perfectly alongside Daenerys.  He sees himself as being in the perfect position to advise, prompt and ultimately be rewarded by his new mistress. Make no mistake though, Tyrion is no puppet and will not blindly kowtow to the wishes of Daenerys.  He is very much his own man and will make decisions for his benefit.  He is one of the most likeble characters in the show so far, despite his many weaknesses.  Expect the unexpected from Tyrion Lannister this summer.

The post Game Of Thrones: Everyone Loves Tyrion Lannister appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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