Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Why We Really Need Kim Kardashian Now

In the age of Donald Trump and Brexit escapism is more popular than ever. The booms in colouring books, video games and Pokémon Go show that we really need a temporary escape in such testing times. Introduce then the screeching, crass, indulgent world that is Keeping Up with The Kardashians. With their extreme First World problems (losing a diamond earring whilst holidaying in Bora Bora, for example), ultra-glamorous lifestyle and cleverly thought-through storylines.

kardashianKeeping Up with the Kardashians is not only the ultimate guilty pleasure it also has the perfect ingredients for forgetting the real world. Just like our good old friend Marmite, you might love the Kardashians or hate them but you cannot deny that they’ve concocted the perfect recipe for a cult classic.

With more than 180 episodes, the Kardashians have created a world you can enter to watch the trials and tribulations of America’s reality TV royal family. From the birth of babies and empowering sex changes to family holidays and heartbreak, each season draws you further in and leaves you more dedicated to a family you will never meet. Such is the success of the Kardashian world.

Hoards of fans can talk you through the life stories of each member of the Kardashian/Jenner family, intricately describing complex family trees, divorces, weddings and even their many pets. The Kardashians are an ideal distraction and amusement, so when the world has become a little too stressful you can rely on an episode to take you into a world of ridiculous wealth and drama.

As if one show wasn’t enough the Kardashian world of escapism just keeps growing, with spin-off after spin-off meaning you never need to go without the Kardashian fantasy universe. There is something fascinating in this use of escapism and the intricacies of other people’s lives to deal with difficult times by quickly transporting ourselves to a world that is nothing like the one we’re in. Just like our own families we have favourite Kardashian/Jenner members and ones that annoy us more than they should, and if you watch it for long enough you find yourself becoming emotionally invested in their lives.

Although the Kardashians and their show aren’t challenging anything within society, and you’re probably not going to feel more intelligent for watching it, it has a way of drawing you in and making you care, which is gold when you want your mind taken off the real world. Ridiculous story lines, never-ending drama and ludicrous characters are hard to stomach in the White House and Westminster but they are just good fun from the Kardashians.

The post Why We Really Need Kim Kardashian Now appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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