Saturday, February 18, 2017

UKIP Really Do Get Some People Talking

As a nice digression from the Trump fiasco over the other side of the pond, let’s see how some of the political peeps are doing this week.

Paul Mason is a British journalist and author, he was Culture and Digital Editor of Channel 4 News so he knows a but about reporting. He had a rant this week about UKIP, branding those who vote for them as  “toe-rags” who would “nick your bike”.

In reference to the Stoke by-election, he had a fascinating description of them, ‘They’re not working class Tories… most of the UKIP people are either people who haven’t voted or have flipped in a radical way from Labour. They are toe-rags, basically. They are the bloke who nicks your bike.” .. he added ‘No, seriously, that’s who it is, it’s the bloke who does all the anti-social things.“

UKIP responded to Mason’s soap box rant with ‘Paul Mason has lifted the lid on what the radical left think about long time Labour voters who have lost faith with that party and moved across to UKIP. He thinks they are “toe-rags”, presumably for feeling a sense of patriotism, for feeling concerned about open door immigration and for supporting Brexit.’.. “Any voters who care about these issues but were pondering whether to still vote Labour have their answer: Mr Mason and the radical metropolitan left think they are scum. We in UKIP understand and share their concerns and will always treat them with respect.”

ukipMason said he was going to head to Stoke to help campaign for Labour.

He may get to spend some time with Gareth Snell, the Labour candidate who was in his own mess for tweets he sent calling panellists on ITV’s Loose Women “squabbling sour-faced ladies”, described Janet Street-Porter as a “polished turd” and said a “speccy blonde girl” on BBC’s The Apprentice should “piss off”.

Snell of course apologised for the tweets, drawing more stern words from UKIP leader, Paul Nuttall, who is also standing for the seat. Paul’s tweets are something to read about as well..


The post UKIP Really Do Get Some People Talking appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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