Monday, February 27, 2017

Is There a Reason London Fashion Week Doesn’t Ban Fur?

When we came across a petition from Ed Winters to push London Fashion Week to ban fur from the fashion show, it did make us pause. Why have they not banned fur when most of the world has already done this decades ago. What is one of the most iconic and well covered fashion shows in the world, London Fashion Week pitches itself as a pioneer and showcase of the best and most innovative fashion around.

Ban FurAccording to Ed Winters, ‘fur industry is responsible for the death of 1 billion rabbits and 50 million other animals – including foxes, minks, dogs, cats, racoons, chinchillas, seals and many more.

Most of these animals are raised in fur farms, intensive facilities where the animals are kept in tiny cages and confined to a life of misery. These farms can hold thousands of animals and are designed to specifically maximise profits.

These animals go insane performing psychotic repetitive behaviours such as circling endlessly in their cage as well as cannibalism and self-mutilation.’ and what’s more horrific is that ‘The most common methods of killing animals in fur farms is anal electrocution, gassing, poisoning or stomping on the animals and breaking their necks.

These are all done to try and preserve the quality of the fur.’

The practice of farming fur was banned in the UK and most global brands like ‘like Armani, Stella McCartney, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, The Kooples, Vivienne Westwood and many more have denounced fur.

If you want to get involved in the petition and link arms with Ed and his movement, click here!

The post Is There a Reason London Fashion Week Doesn’t Ban Fur? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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