Monday, February 20, 2017

How Many UKIP Voters Do You Know?

Who you vote for is perfectly confidential if that’s how you roll. You can be an outspoken liberal or tree-hugging green when around people or one of the few UKIP Voters. However, when you cast your vote it’s absolutely confidential. You can vote for whomever you want and nobody gets to know. Of course most people are pretty open about it.

Regardless of voting, you can understand the UKIP voters by following their typical identity. Of course some will be very different but in the main, UKIP voters are pretty much as follows..

Image result for image UKIP VotersOverwhelmingly male (66% of them) the UKIP Voters are lead by those over 55 yrs old. In fact more than half of them are. Very rare in Scotland or the West of England they are scattered liberally around the Midlands and South Coast. Needless to say, they lean, or almost fall hard to the right in their politics.

Careers tend to be in areas where guidelines exist, which is possibly because change doesn’t suit them. Police, Military, Engineering and Home and Garden all make up a big section of UKIP Voters. In fact they love to garden, more than half of all UKIP Voters say they garden and like DIY. Extravagant tastes are not a UKIP thing, favourite mealtime dish is Ham, Egg and Chips or a traditional roast.

Huge football fans and happy to watch the Formula 1 before or after a walk of the dog or a pat of the cat.

Now the interesting part, which often can give them away … Ask them about themselves, they’ll say they are ‘easy going’ or ‘competent’ in life. Ask others about them and you will often hear things like ‘grumpy’ and ‘confrontational’ or ‘intolerant.’ Anyone you know?

They frequent ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury’s as it’s predictable, well priced and well known. As they pull out of the drive in their Ford or Vauxhall, note the Adidas trainers, a favourite. The Daily Mail and often the Sun appears on the door step each day. Viewing consists of Coronation St and Dad’s Army, i kid you not. The surprising piece of information is UKIP Voters love Taylor Swift.

Favourite male role models include Donald Trump, Clint Eastwood and Jeremy Clarkson. I’m sure you know more than you actually think you do!

The post How Many UKIP Voters Do You Know? appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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