Monday, February 20, 2017

All You Can Drink Prosecco? Don’t Mind If I Do!

In a post-truth, Trumped up, media-slamming, Article 50-triggering, omnishambles of a world, you sometimes just need something simple, sophisticated and filled-with prosecco to get you up in the morning.

proseccoEnter The Villandry, one of London’s top French hotspots. They have two restaurants in either St James and Great Portland Street, and they offer possibly the best brunch in town. Pastries, patisserie, and all you can drink prosecco.


Visiting The Villandry is a little like walking into France, mid-London. Their brasserie has all the hallmarks of a French bistro, and it would be easy to forget which capital you’re in. Red leather booths, metal tables, wood frame chairs and impeccably dressed staff are all present and correct. There’s even the requisite seats outside where you can wile away the hours with a Sartre novel and 20 Galoises.

proseccoThere’s a certain je ne sa    is quoi here: a little bit of arrogance that we English demand of the French. The prices can get a little steep for the a la carte food, and the cakes are both to die for and dear. However, I’m not here to talk day to day – it’s their weekends that are the real show-stealers.

For a remarkably reasonable £35, you’re fed and watered till you can’t manage the short walk to Oxford Street. Trust me when I say that post-Villandry brunch is not the best time to go shopping – your inhibitions and enthusiasm are a little skewed.

proseccoYou’ll need to reserve. That’s an absolute must as the deal is popular and lasts only from 11.30-3.30pm on the weekends. I prefer the Great Portland Street venue, as their restaurant area is beautiful and bright. When booking, I recommend requesting the restaurant over the noisier cafe at the front.

Once you arrive your table will be ready and waiting, a bottle open and airing. The seeming catch is that the all you can drink lasts 2 hours. Believe me, you’ll not be able to manage much more. When you’re ready, your glasses will be filled for the first round. You then get a choice of pastries; pan au chocolat, croissants and pan au raisin, delivered in a bountiful wicker basket.

proseccoThat’s just an appetiser of course, as the cooked brunch comes next. The menu occasionally changes, as they recently added the Villandry burger to the list, but the staples are superb. They poach an egg like no one else. You can’t go wrong with the full English, the eggs Benedict or the scrambled egg and smoked salmon. If you’re particularly ravenous, you can supplement your brunch and opt for the roast.

The waiters watch like hawks ready to refill at the slightest sip, whether you want more or not. They’re regularly asked to stop because its 1pm and everyone’s absolutely soused. Perhaps the roast is a wise idea… However, you don’t want to fill up too much, as you’ll need room for dessert.

proseccoThis is my favourite part of the meal. The cakes are beautiful, from presentation to palate. The lemon meringue is unmissable, but if you prefer something rich, go for the salted caramel and walnut tart. There’s tea, coffee and juice available throughout too, should you need a break from the bubbles. Should you have something to celebrate, you can always upgrade to champagne…

Polish off what you can of the prosecco before your two hours are up and you slowly wobble your way back to the real world.

The Villandry weekend brunch is a wonderful idea for birthdays, hen dos, or simple hang outs. Just be prepared – bottomless turns into legless remarkably quick. Bon appétit!


The post All You Can Drink Prosecco? Don’t Mind If I Do! appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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