Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Little Trump Goes a Long Way

Happy Sunday.. Sometimes with all the craziness going on around you, it’s nice to have some smiling time. It’s tough to cover all of the Trump gaffes of simply the last couple of days.

Last night he made reference to a tragedy which occurred in Sweden, alongside tragedies which occurred in Paris, Nice and Brussels. Problem was it didn’t happen, in fact nothing happened in Sweden. Oh but there was a documentary on CNN which perhaps he watched?

trumpHe asked a Black journalist if he knew the people at the Congressional Black Caucus, talking over her mentioning the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

He set the internet on fire with his reference to Uranium. “You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.’ Uranium is a metal.

He went on ‘“And I can tell you one thing about a briefing that we’re allowed to say, because anybody that ever read the most basic book can say it: nuclear holocaust would be like no other.

On top of all this he continues to attack mainstream media as ‘Fake News’ when they are simple reporting the news. Clearly a tactic to set his supporters and far right wing folks against the news organisations so he can control the agenda.

But in one tweet he accuses #CNN #CNBC #Fox #CBS all of pumping out Fake news. There’s not a shred of proof but hey, who cares. So let’s enjoy the creative work of many wonderful people….

The post A Little Trump Goes a Long Way appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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